Monday, December 10, 2007

* AHEM *
Lets start blogging . Topic of the day ,
AH bengs and AH lians !
Nowadays youngsters are stuck at smoking , fighting or even drugs , thinking themselves of being looking cool . But how cool can it be when your internal are all spoilt or damaged ? Firstly , how are you going to present yourself with that unhealthy look ? Bad breathe sucks big core when you are talking to someone and you'll cause he/she to get away from you . Now , it's not the time for you to make yourself look cool by using unhealthy stuff , but is to make yourself look presentable infront of the entire society . There is nothing to be great about at th aged of 12 - 17 , it's about your future . SO what if you can earn big bucks now ? Your future still lies on your hand . The rank that you will have to fight for in companies . The level of standard you are going to face . So now , start forcusing on the necessaries , if not , you'll regret in future .
Fights ? Harming one another becasue of unhappiness ? Then you are the stupid one . It will only bring you to court , putting you in jail . Then what about your future ? You are the one who ruin it , not anyone else . Sometimes , one should just settled down , thinking of what they shloud do instead of causing a fight like '' Not happy , come la '' You know . It's like putting yourself into trouble when nobody does . This is a childish act . Someday , they have to learn to grow up abit . (:
(lesson ended)
Next lesson :
Relationship <3


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